There are 39 colleges in Oxford. It's always a interesting journey to visit a new college. Though all the colleges belong to the Oxford university, each of them has its own character. Like the Wadham, founded in 1610, has a very modern libry! While Keble, founded in 1870, has a much older, traditional library.
I went to several colleges during this Spring term break (most colleges are closed to visitors during break, but a member of Oxford can enter freely to almost all of them). But some places of the colleges, like the library, the dining hall, the MCR...only the member of that college can show me. Lucky I had JB show me St. Cross College this time.
St. Cross, locates on the St. Giles road, looks very old. But I didn't know till that day that it is a newly founded college:
was formed on 1960s. What a "young" one in Oxford!
St. Cross is a graduate college which means no undergraduate members there. It's quite small but cozy college combined with two parts: old front yard and modern back yard.

Very comfort Common Room with many newspaper, magazines and a very "Chinese" gong.
Happened watched young students playing ball game. A quite interesting one.

Wish all of you have nice days in this Spring, a peaceful mind and a strong heart.