After read this year's applicantions for the SBS Venture Fund, I felt exciting about a lot new ideas but pity for quite a lot of the plans lack essencial contents.
What is necessary in an impressive Business Plan?
First of all, remember that ideas don't equal to businesses. Most business plans talk a lot about a/the great idea, which is great but far away from enough. Like this dandelion, it's very unique and outstanding: the only white one there and much softer than yellow marguerites around. But if you only describe it as: fresh flower/plant in spring, then no body can tell the unique and special of it. You have to show the UNIQUE QUALITY of your business to impress the investors!
Second, Businesses = ideas + realize + profits. Do remember to tell "Why is you/your team?" and "How much money you need, and why this much?"
Wish everyone a fresh beautiful Spring, 2009.
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