Sunday, 31 May 2009

Summer Eights|牛津夏日赛船盛事

Keble's Boat House
Cute sun glasses
Keble MCR member
Ready to start
Jonathan is in Queen's M2 team. They got hit/bumped?
sunny sunny sunny

fun just began after the competition

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Scotland | 风之谷,苏格兰

With the news of Swine Flu
On the way to the Scotland

The wind was strong
The air was fresh
The view was breath taking
And the journey was so different: you never know what kind of weather in the next five minutes


Wednesday, 6 May 2009

York, nice city in north England | 约克的美丽春天

To fully enjoy the photos, please click on the small picture to get larger version:).